💡 Note for admins: In order for users to be able to use the integration, as a first step it needs to be activated in the admin settings via Settings > Integrations > Messaging.

Please note: In some cases, your Slack’s system administrator must first unlock the app for it to appear in search. You can find the official link to the Mooncamp app in the Slack app directory here.

Installing the Mooncamp Bot

To install Mooncamp in Slack, in the left sidebar scroll down to Apps, click on +App apps, search for “Mooncamp” and click on Add below the Mooncamp app in the list of search results. You will get directed to Slack’s app directory where you can add the app via the green Add to Slack button. You will get directed to the Mooncamp + Slack info page, where you can click the Add to Slack button to activate the Slack bot in your Mooncamp workspace.

As a next step, go back to Slack and in your sidebar click on Apps > Manage > Browse Apps > Mooncamp > Configuration and you will get directed to the Slack app directory again where you can use the green button to Open in Slack. Once Mooncamp is added to Slack, the bot will guide you through the next steps.

When you click the “Connect with Mooncamp” button, the bot will guide you to your Mooncamp account. The bot will also tell you that the connection has been successfully established.

Done! 🎉

Using Mooncamp via Slack

Once your Mooncamp Bot is available, you can interact with it via slash commands. These allow you to complete an action with the Mooncamp app simply by sending a message in Slack. To do so, type a forward slash / in any conversation to view a list of available slash commands.

In order to show your goals in Slack, type /mooncamp goals into any channel or conversation, press enter and the bot will list your goals. Next to each goal there is an Update goal button that you can use to update your goals’ progress directly via Slack. When you click on the button, a modal opens in which you can edit the status and the value of your goal and if needed, add a comment to the update. Check out this procedure in the video FAQs below.👇