About Mooncamp

The New Way to Work

The all-in-one operating system to develop agile and purpose-driven teams
Mooncamp machine
Mooncamp garden
Old OS Mooncamp

🤖 The way we run organizations is broken

We still use the same old management tools and practices that were used over a hundred years ago. For a long time, this old operating system to run businesses proved effective, because strict hierarchies and centralized decision-making were compatible with a world that was still reasonably predictable and plannable.

But the world changed. The way people live and work has changed, dramatically. Technology advancements and globalization made the world more complex and less predictable. Now more than ever, people strive for purpose, autonomy, and belonging. And finally, the COVID-19 pandemic turned the world upside-down and forced organizations to transition to remote work and accept the New Normal “overnight”.

As a consequence, the “old way of doing things” is no longer aligned with people’s and organization’s needs. Instead, it leads to bureaucracy, information silos, slow decision-making, finger-pointing, and overall, disengaged employees.

But there is a new, better way to work.


🌱 We need a new, agile operating system

The old operating system views organizations as predictable machines. However, once we perceive organizations as complex living organisms, much like gardens that are dynamic, emergent, and ever-evolving, a whole new set of agile tools and practices presents itself.

Agile organizations are characterized by high levels of transparency, trust, purpose, and autonomy. Unsurprisingly, research found that these are also the drivers with the highest impact on employee engagement, retention, and productivity.

But how do you unlock these “agile superpowers”? Where do you start?


🚀 Nurture your culture in one single workspace

Life is short. Work is a big part of life. Therefore, we should make work fulfilling and enjoyable.

At Mooncamp, our vision is to create the All-in-One Operating System to develop agile and purpose-driven teams.

Just one single workspace from where you can create transparency and alignment by introducing agile goal setting (OKRs), weekly check-ins, and much more yet to come.

At the heart of it all will be flexibility. Every organization is different. Great software should adapt to your individual needs – not the other way around.

Come join us. We are only getting started.

Mooncamp moon
Blue plant

Our Leadership

Daniel Breucker
Daniel Breucker
CEO & Co-Founder
Joel Schneider
Joel Schneider
CMO & Co-Founder
Sebastian Walter
Sebastian Walter
CPO & Co-Founder
Joschka Tillmanns
Joschka Tillmanns
CTO & Co-Founder
Blue plant Blue plant Blue plant
Thousands of world-class teams trust Mooncamp
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