The Health dashboard is available for customers in the Pro and Enterprise plan.

The Health Dashboard explained

With the Health dashboard, you can do a comprehensive health and quality check on all of your organization’s goals. Consider it a cockpit from where you can quickly identify and solve any issues with your goals. This helps to ensure that your whole goal management process is running smoothly and that everyone follows the Goal and OKR rules that you configured in the settings area.

Important note: In order to grant all members access to progress- and health dashboards, this needs to be set once by the admin under Settings > Access groups > Member > Can view progress and health dashboards.

The health dashboard can be found under Dashboards in the sidebar.

Once you’ve found the Health Dashboard, there are a few important areas to note.

  1. Add a view: Here you can create different views in combination with the filter function.
  2. Cycle picker: Make sure you are viewing the correct cycle in order to see the most relevant data.
  3. Filter function: Filter for any properties you have in the system.
  4. Share: Share the link with your colleagues who also have access to Mooncamp.
  5. Favorite: Add the view to your favorites, so you have it easily accessible in the left-hand side.

Via the ellipsis (…) in the upper right corner of the screen, the Health Dashboard can be exported as a PDF file.


At the top of the page you have “Overview” and under that, 3 metrics. This is the easiest and quickest way to get an idea of how many goals have issues.

  • Goals with invalid parent goal: If you click on the metric, you will find a list of goals which have an invalid parent goal. There are three different reasons why goals can show up here. 1 The parent goal is the wrong type (e.g. a Key Result is a parent of an Objective), 2 the parent goal is empty, although it should have a parent (e.g. an initiative), and 3 the parent goal is not empty, although it shouldn’t have a parent goal (e.g. a Strategic Pillar)
  • Goals with missing properties: If you click on the metric, you will find a list of goals with missing properties. What properties should always be filled in can be configured in the settings area under Types and rules.
  • Goals with invalid measurement types: If you click on the metric, you will find a list of goals which have invalid measurement types (e.g. you could set up a rule that initiatives should always have the measurement type “Open/Done” applied).

Here is an example:

By clicking on the red buttons in the list above, you can easily solve any issues with your goals.

Health check by goal type

In this space, each goal type has its information broken down into up to 4 main categories. Let’s use a Key Result as an example. Everything is interactive, so be sure to click on the different charts to see the filtered list of goals.

  • Goals with invalid vs. valid parent goal: This shows how many goals have the correct parent goal and how many have the wrong parent goal.
  • Goals with missing vs. existing property values: This shows how many goals have all the required properties filled out and how many have missing property values.
  • Goals with invalid vs. valid measurement types: Here you will find, how many of each measurement type is being used. If there are goals using the incorrect measurement type, they will show up red.
  • Automated vs. manual: This report shows how many goals are updated manually and how many goals are updated via data integrations. This only refers to goals which are using “Start and target value” or “Threshold” as a measurement type (only these types can be synched via data integrations).

Remember: All this information is based on the rules you have set up in the settings, so be sure to check out our article on rules.


Last, but not least, we have the breakdown section at the bottom of the page. In this table, each team is listed with their total number of goals as well as the goals that still have issues, like invalid parent goals, missing property values, or invalid measurement types. Here the numbers are also interactive, so you can click on them to see the list of goals.