You can create a goal via “New” on the following pages:

  • Homepage
  • Team page
  • Goal Explorer

Please note: Goals are auto-saved, i.e. you don’t have to click on Save anywhere. As soon as you click on New, the goal will be created. If you would rather discard the draft, you can simply delete the goal in the upper right corner of the window.

Creating a goal

To create a goal, click on “New” in one of the following places:

After clicking on “New” the detail view of a new goal will open:

Step 1: Add a title for the goal

Optionally, you can also add a description and an icon.

Step 2: Determine how the progress of the goal should be measured

Four options are available for measuring progress:

  • Start and target value: set metric with or without unit (e.g. 5 USD, 20%, 10 customers).
  • Aggregation: progress is measured by sub-goal and expressed as a percentage (0 - 100%)
  • Threshold: The goal should not exceed or fall below a certain threshold
  • Open/Done: a goal that is either done or not done
  • None: The goal does not measure progress (e.g., useful for strictly qualitative objectives)

For further information on the respective options and their application, see this article.

Tip: Step 1 as well as 3 to 8 can easily be done directly in the cascade view without the need to open a goal detail page. You can simply edit the different properties, goal progress and -status via the columns of the table. Also the goal title can be edited in-line by hovering over the title and using the edit icon on the right end of the column.

Step 3: Select a parent goal

Here you select which objective the goal in question is related to. If the goal is a company goal on the first level, for instance, this field could also remain empty.

Step 4: Assign the goal to a cycle

Select the cycle (e.g. Q1 2026 or H2 2026) the goal is associated with.

Step 5: Select the type of the goal

The types of a goal are freely configurable for administrators under Settings > Properties.

By default, the following types are set:

  • Objective
  • Key Result
  • Initiative

Step 6: Fill in additional fields/properties of the goal, if applicable

Each additional property for Goals created by administrators under Settings > Properties will appear here.

Typical additional properties are Owner or Team to indicate who or which team is responsible for the goal.

Step 7: Create additional subgoals for the respective goal, if needed

When creating a goal, you can create subgoals (e.g. Key Results or Initiatives) in the same step. To do this, simply click on New under Subitems and a new window will open for the subgoal.

Step 8: Check and, if necessary, adjust who should have access to the goal

If you want to make the goal accessible only to certain groups of people or adjust read and write permissions, you can configure access via Share.

Note: As an administrator, you can specify which access settings should be selected by default when a goal is created (Settings > Goals).

Done! 🎉