The Goal Tree View is available for customers in the Pro and Enterprise plan.

Goal Tree View explained

The goal tree view offers the most visual way of displaying goals and OKRs. It can actually be used as a drawing board to map out all your strategic pillars, focus areas, goals, and initiatives in a hierarchical view. It gives a high-level overview of your company’s strategy and each aligned goal is shown as a card with all relevant info in one view. The cards are connected as hierarchical branches and can easily be moved around and realigned via drag and drop. You can zoom in on certain OKR sets or focus areas as well as quickly discover isolated goals and align them correctly.

If you don’t feel like reading, check out the video tutorial below. It gives a general overview of the Goal Tree View function.

How to use the Goal Tree View

With the goal tree view you have numerous different ways to conveniently draft and work with your goals and OKRs.

First of all, as you know from the cascade view, you can easily inline-edit your goal title, properties and progress. Via the edit button in the top right corner of a goal card you can access the edit-mode without leaving the page. With one further click on this button, you can open the goal detail page as a modal or further as a whole page.

Using the ellipsis ... also in the upper right corner of a goal card, you have all the functions that usually come with the right-click in the goal explorer, such as deletion or duplication of a goal, creating sub-goals, editing access rights or properties. You can also use the right-click on a goal card to access these functions.

On the goal cards you can see a “+”-button on each side of every card. With these you can add sub-, parent- or sibling-goals of different types into the chosen direction. Once your goal tree has several levels, there is the function to expand or collapse all levels at once. You can find this via the right-click or the ellipsis ... in the upper right corner of a goal card. If you would like to expand or collapse levels one by one, you can use the “Expand next level”-function via the ellipsis ... in the upper right corner of the goal tree view. A further function via the “^1” in the lower right corner of each goal card that contains a sub-goal, you can expand specific goals below each goal card.

This settings menu further contains property and card size settings. It helps you to show or hide properties congruently on all shown goal cards. In general, empty properties will not be shown on an individual goal card, only when they are filled. Also the card width is adjustable to small, medium or large in order to make it more condense or show more content.

The sorting and filter functions work in the same way as you are used to in the cascade view.

Scrolling and Zooming Controls

Since the goal tree view is a very visual overview of your goals and OKRs, it is helpful to master a few scrolling and zooming short-cuts

  • To scroll vertically, simply use your scroll wheel on the mouse.
  • In order to move the content horizontally, hold the shift key on your keyboard and then use the scroll wheel. This works on any mouse or trackpad.
  • For zooming in or out, press and hold the Ctrl key (for Windows or Linux) or the command key (for macOS), then use the scroll wheel or trackpad.

Please note that with larger data sets, the data is being loaded while you are scrolling.

Select mode and hand mode

With the select mode, you can select several items and perform bulk actions.

  • Press and hold the left mouse button, then drag the cursor to select multiple goals or items.
  • Use the Select Tool for performing bulk actions on the selected items.

The hand mode allows you to move the content by dragging.

  • Press and hold the left mouse button.
  • While holding the button, move the mouse to drag and navigate through the content.

Realigning goals

In order to realign a goal, switch to the hand mode and simply drag and drop the according goal to a new location and it connects automatically.