There are two ways to delete goals:

  • Delete a goal from the Goals Cascade view
  • Delete a goal from the detail view of a goal

Delete a goal from the Goals Cascade View

You can right-click on a goal on the cascade view to delete it. If you want to delete several goals at once, you can click and hold and drag to select all the goals you want to delete, and then right-click again to bring up the menu to delete the goals.

Delete a goal from the Detail View of a Goal

On the detail view of a goal you can click on the ellipsis icon in the upper right corner and delete the goal from there.

Restoring goals from the trash

In case you have accidentally deleted one or several goals, you can easily get these back via the trash button on the sidebar. When you navigate to the trash bin, a modal opens and shows all recently deleted goals including a deletion date and time stamp. Next to each goal you find two buttons, one to restore the item, one to delete it permanently. Via the search bar you can also search for specific goals that might have been deleted longer ago. A goal can be restored or permanently deleted by every user who had edit access rights to the goal, irrespective of who has deleted it.