
What's new?

A rundown of the latest Mooncamp feature releases, improvements, and design updates.
March 24, 2025

Nested filters

You can now use nested filters to create even more insightful views for your tables. Combine AND and OR logic and nest filter groups up to three layers deep. Here are a few filters you can create now that weren’t possible before:

  • Goals where Team = “Operations” AND (Status = “Off Track” OR Progress is “below 30%”)
  • Goals where Type is “Key Result” AND (Last updated at is “Empty” or Last updated at is “before 30 days ago”)
  • Goals where Type is not “Focus Area” AND (Owner is “Empty” or Team is “Empty”)
Nested filters

March 18, 2025

New Help Center

We've overhauled our Help Center with a fresh new look and AI-powered search. You can now ask questions directly in the Help Center chat for instant answers or use the improved search to find information faster. Plus, you can give feedback on articles to help keep content up to date and useful.

Check the new help center out here: EnglishGerman

Mooncamp Help Center

February 10, 2025

Simplified access policies

As a first step to simplifying access management, we've made it easier to manage and view permissions. Group permissions now have a cleaner, updated look, and a box indicates the source of your own access. All sharing options follow a simpler system using only "OR" conditions—no more complicated rules. You can base access on team spaces, single select, multi select properties, or by picking users directly.

Simplified access management

January 17, 2025

Side peek mode

Goal pages now open in the new side peek mode by default, allowing you to view and navigate them more efficiently. Prefer the old center peek mode? You can switch back at any time. This is a personal setting and won’t affect other users.

January 14, 2025

Embed Explorer views in external tools

You can now embed published Explorer views into external tools such as Confluence, Jira, or Notion. Simply click the ellipsis menu on the desired view, publish it, and then select "Copy embed code". Use the copied iframe code to integrate the view into any platform that supports embedding.

This update makes it easier to share insights and collaborate seamlessly across your favorite tools.

January 8, 2025

Recurring reports for dashboards

You can now schedule recurring reports for dashboards and send them as PDFs via email to selected recipients. To create a report, navigate to a dashboard and click "Schedule". Configure the report's cadence, recipients, subject, and an optional message.

Manage all your reports in the new Reports section, accessible under the Dashboards menu item in the sidebar.

This feature keeps your teams aligned with consistent, automated updates on your insights and KPIs.

November 20, 2024

Bulk edit goals in a table view

You can now select and edit multiple goals at once by using the checkboxes that appear when you hover over each row. With this update, it is now also possible to quickly select all displayed goals in a view.

select all goals

October 29, 2024

Lock cycles on views

You can now lock a cycle in a view, ensuring coworkers see the exact data you want them to see on goal tables or dashboards. If no cycle is locked, each user's currently selected cycle will apply automatically.

lock cycle on view

October 16, 2024

New integrations: Microsoft Planner & Power BI

We’re excited to introduce two powerful new integrations for our Pro and Enterprise plans:

Microsoft Planner: Seamlessly connect your goals with Microsoft Planner tasks. Stay on top of your progress by automatically syncing Planner tasks with your Mooncamp goals.

Microsoft Power BI: Import data from any Power BI data source to link it with your goals, enabling automated goal updates based on real-time data insights.

MS Planner and MS Power BI Integrations

October 11, 2024

Aggregate with total values of subgoals

You can now add up the total values of a goal's subitems to calculate its progress. This feature enables exciting new use cases, such as adding up revenue values from different sales areas or creating self-updating KPI trees.

You can enable this setting by selecting Calculate progress by Sum (Absolute) in the Aggregation measurement type.

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