OKR Examples from real companies

OKR Examples

Over 120 examples of Objectives and Key Results from real companies. OKR examples for sales, marketing, human resources and many more.

🌍 Company OKR Examples

Delight our customers
Key Results
Achieve NPS of at least 45
Increase CSAT score to at least 75%
Increase customer retention to 97%
Grow our global business
Key Results
Grow revenue to $100M in the US
Grow revenue to $30M in the EMEA region
Increase annual contract renewals to 85%
Build a great place to work
Key Results
Achieve eNPS of at least 50
Reduce voluntary attrition rate to 5%
At least 80% of employees make use of our mentorship program

🌱 Marketing OKR Examples

Grow our pipeline of Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs)
Key Results
Generate 200 MQLs from Organic Search
Generate 350 MQLs from Google Ads
Generate 100 MQLs from Email Marketing

Content Marketing OKR Examples

Supercharge our inbound marketing engine
Key Results
Increase inbound traffic to trial-signup conversion rate by 20%
Increase inbound traffic to contact-us conversion rate by 10%
Broaden audience reach by increasing new user sessions on the blog by 25%
Optimize funnel of all paid marketing campaigns
Key Results
Decrease cost-per-lead to $500
Increase MQL to SDR-QL conversion rate by 30%

Social Media Marketing OKR Examples

Make our social media channels a hub for our community and prove its strategic value
Key Results
Increase share of social referral leads to 15%
Increase social referral traffic by 40%
Grow Facebook followers to 100,000
Grow Twitter followers to 30,000

Marketing Operations OKR Examples

Improve SDR lead processing efficiency
Key Results
Average lead processing time for SDR under 10 minutes
Reduce manual lead routing by 60%
Conversational website bot qualifies and routes website leads with 80% accuracy

Event Marketing OKR Examples

Successful pull-through of our message at [Conference]
Key Results
Reach 3,000 people directly (20% of attendees) via talks at [Conference]
Be included in 10 event articles as a partner of [Conference]
Generate 200 leads during the conference

Public Relations OKR Examples

Increase our awareness in public relations efforts
Key Results
Achieve 60% SOV (Share of Voice) vs. main competitor
Our company is mentioned in 30 business press articles
We have at least one key marketing message included in 70% of feature articles

🚀 Growth OKR Examples

Build a healthy growth engine
Key Results
Achieve a life-time value (LTV) to customer acquisition cost (CAC) ratio of 3 or greater
Decrease average duration to recover CAC to 12 months or less

💸 Sales OKR Examples

Build a strong opportunity pipeline
Key Results
Conduct 12 product demo meetings per week per Sales Rep
Generate 200 new opportunities
Generate a pipeline volume of $30M
Increase our win rate across all segments
Key Results
Achieve a win rate of 70% or higher for SMBs
Achieve a win rate of 50% or higher for Mid-Market
Achieve a win rate of 35% or higher for Enterprises
Build a strong Sales team
Key Results
Hire 2 new Sales Managers
Hire 6 new Account Executives (AE)
Hire 18 new Sales Development Representatives (SDR)
Increase AE to SDR ratio to 4:1
Develop a winning Sales rep team
Key Results
60% of ramping reps are at or above 70% of quota
60% ramped reps are at or above 100% of quota
Reduce rep ramp time to 11 months

☘️ Human Resources (HR) OKR Examples

Recruiting & Talent Acquisition OKR Examples

Improve candidate experience at [your company] for hiring great talent
Key Results
Reduce average candidate timeline between application and offer to 35 days
90% of hiring managers submit their feedback within 24 hours of the interview
Reduce mean time from application to first interview to 7 days
Increase applicant SAT score to 8/10
Maximize our recruiting engine efficiency
Key Results
Increase Offer Acceptance Rate to 90%
Decrease Time to Offer Accept to 45 days or less
Increase hires vs. planned hires ratio to 0.9 or more

Employee Satisfaction OKR Examples

New team members have a great onboarding experience
Key Results
Increase onboarding SAT score to 8/10
100% of new team members have their desk set up with welcome gifts on the first day
100% of new team members meet their manager and direct peers on the first day
90% of new team members complete their onboarding tasks in the first 5 business days
Increase employee engagement
Key Results
Increase eNPS to 60
Increase employee engagement survey score to 75/100
Absenteeism reduced by 25%
Voluntary team member turnover (rolling 12 months) reduced to 8%
Achieve participation rate of 85% or higher

Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging OKR Examples

Hire a Diverse, High Performing Team
Key Results
Women make up at least 40% of all team members
Women make up at least 35% of all people managers
New hires spend 30 hours on training in the first two weeks
Increase share of team members who belong to an ethnic minority to 35%

Learning & Development OKR Examples

Enable professional growth for everyone
Key Results
Mentorship/coaching program is rolled out to 80% of employees
New internship development course is completed by all new incoming interns
100% of Learning & Development team trained to effectively handle team member questions

👾 Information Technology (IT) OKR Examples

OKR examples for different roles or departments in IT, like Software Developer, Software Tester, Engineering, or DevOps.

Increase development velocity
Key Results
Raise Merge Request Rate from 6 to 8 per month
Lower Mean Time to Production to 2 days
Increase Merge Requests per engineer by 30% for all teams
Decrease Merge Request review time by 50%
Increase product availability and performance
Key Results
Drive database availability to 99.5%
Guarantee page speed of less than 200ms
Meet enterprise customer expectations around timely feature delivery
Key Results
Achieve 1:10 maintainers to developers ratio
All enterprise priority issues are being completed on time
Identify and deliver 3 key improvements to observability and scalability
Increase platform reliability
Key Results
Increase Mean Time between System Failures (MTBF) to 70 days
Decrease Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) to 20 minutes
Reduce number of days since last environment audit to 30 days
Increase test coverage to 70%

🧐 Quality Assurance OKR Examples

Scale QA engineering team
Key Results
Hire 20 Quality Engineering Managers
Hire 12 Test Automation Engineers
Hire 1 Engineering Productivity Engineer
Drive quality of our products
Key Results
Customer-reported bugs are resolved within 2 weeks
Reduce average number of bugs per new feature from 8 to 4
Less than 3 bugs reported by our users for every release
Write a post-mortem for every critical issue in production
Improve our testing framework
Key Results
Increase unit test coverage from 60% to 85% of code
Implement test-driven development in all 12 teams
Prepare new test plans for all feature requests from users

💻 Product OKR Examples

Grow product engagement of new and existing users
Key Results
Increase Monthly Active Users (MAU) by 12% m/m
Increase 30-day retention rate to 98%
Improve trial account to paid account conversion rate by 20%
Establish a rapid cadence of testing & learning
Key Results
Run at least one test per week for every product category
All tests are documented in our experiment library
Achieve a success-to-failure ratio of all experiments of at least 17%

⏳ Project Management OKR Examples

Ensure timeliness of our projects
Key Results
Increase on-time completion percentage to 80%
Decrease average time spent on projects by 20%
Increase planned hours vs. time spent accuracy to 70%
Reduce average number of resource conflicts per project to below 1
Increase quality of customer project outcomes while keeping budgets in check
Key Results
Increase CSAT score to 8/10 for customer-facing projects
Reduce customer complaints during project by 50%
Decrease budget variance by 20%
Create a well-oiled project management engine
Key Results
Decrease percentage of milestones missed by 60%
Reduce number of cancelled projects to 1 per quarter
Reduce number of change requests after kick-off by 50%

📂 Office Management OKR Examples

Nourish a best-in-class office
Key Results
Reduce spending on office supplies by 20%
Digitize 100% of our client records
Reduce rep ramp time to 11 months
Decrease number of office-related complaints per quarter from 8 to 3
Make internal office bureaucracy as frictionless as possible
Key Results
Benchmark 3 knowledge management tools and implement the winner
Decrease employee waiting time until vacation gets approved to 1 day
Get all important team leader requests approved or rejected by leadership within the same day

📈 Business Analyst OKR Examples

Improve our processes for maintaining high quality data and reporting so business units can make data-driven decisions
Key Results
Data and reporting availability for all business units is at 99.5%
Reduce number of stakeholder complaints from 5 to 2 per quarter
Reduce time between business unit request and delivery of data/reports to 2 days

🤑 Finance & Accounting OKR Examples

Build a financial planning engine that improves accounting processes and spurs business growth
Key Results
Decrease Average Days Sales Outstanding to 55 days or less
Achieve 10 day close or better this quarter
Increase Capital Efficiency ratio to 2.5
Deliver quantified savings of $500k this quarter

💪 Customer Success OKR Examples

Improve repeatability, timeliness and quality of service delivery
Key Results
Customer support tickets are replied to within 2 hours or less
Customer support tickets are solved within 3 days or less
Increase average daily tickets closed per Support team member per month to 45
Decrease time to customer onboarding complete to 2 days
Expectations management training delivered to 100% of team members
Continue to build an outstanding Customer Support team
Key Results
Decrease manager to support rep ratio to 7
Increase hires vs. planned hires ratio to 0.8
Increase ARR per support team member to $1.5M
Deliver a best-in-class customer experience
Key Results
All support reps have a personal CSAT score of 97% or more
Resolve high-priority (tier 1) customer tickets within 2 hours
Resolve mid-priority (tier 2) customer tickets within 24 hours

🔐 Security OKR Examples

Ensure compliance with laws and policies
Key Results
We conform to the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001 (certificate obtained)
We conform to the requirements of ISO/IEC 27017 (certificate obtained)
We conform to the requirements of ISO/IEC 27018 (certificate obtained)
Increase readiness of IT to act on security issues
Key Results
At least 10 members of IT are trained to understand and act on violation findings
Evaluate 3 security monitoring solutions and implement winner
Hire an interim Director of Security
Platform vulnerability scanning is automated and evaluated every day

🎨 Design OKR Examples

Improve onboarding experience
Key Results
Decrease sign-up time to 1 minute or less
80% of new users should start and finish guided onboarding
Increase overall usability
Key Results
Achieve a score of 75 on the System Usability Scale survey
Decrease number of user interface-related issues by 20%

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