IT OKR Examples

Explore IT OKR examples for enhancing system reliability, improving cybersecurity, accelerating product development, and optimizing IT support.

Below are IT OKR examples from real companies that can help you formulate your own IT OKRs.

Why your IT Team should use OKRs

OKR (Objectives & Key Results) is an agile goal-setting framework designed to enhance transparency, alignment, and focus around your goals and strategy. High-growth companies like LinkedIn, Netflix, Slack, and Spotify, as well as large corporations such as Samsung and Daimler, use OKRs to prioritize essential initiatives and unify everyone around a common purpose.

IT departments often juggle multiple projects, spreading focus and resources thin. OKRs help by clearly defining the most critical Objectives and Key Results, ensuring the team focuses on the most impactful projects.

Furthermore, the fast-paced nature of IT requires agility and adaptability. OKRs support this by allowing teams to set goals that can be quickly adjusted to meet changing business needs and technological advancements. This flexibility keeps IT teams responsive and proactive.

The benefits of OKRs can only be fully realized if you follow some key rules.

Writing good IT OKRs

Crafting impactful IT OKRs can be a complex task.

Although the OKR framework is straightforward, creating effective OKRs is challenging but essential.

To spark your creativity, consider using this simple formula when writing your IT OKRs:

We will [Objective] as measured by [Key Results].

Keep in mind that Objectives answer the question “What do I want to achieve?” while Key Results answer the question “How do I know that the goal is achieved?”. Objectives should therefore be qualitative, easy to understand, and inspiring. Key Results should be clearly measurable, outcome-driven (not output-driven), and S.M.A.R.T. Both, Objectives and Key Results, need to be time-bound and are typically set per quarter, i.e. for one “OKR cycle”.

IT & Engineering OKRs: Examples and best practices

When our customers get started with Mooncamp, they often ask us “What are good OKR examples for IT?”, so we compiled a list of real IT OKR examples just for you.

💡 Note: We recommend writing your own OKRs and only use the IT & Engineering OKR examples below for inspiration.

Increase development velocity
Key Results
Raise Merge Request Rate from 6 to 8 per month
Lower Mean Time to Production to 2 days
Increase Merge Requests per engineer by 30% for all teams
Decrease Merge Request review time by 50%
Increase product availability and performance
Key Results
Drive database availability to 99.5%
Guarantee page speed of less than 200ms
Meet enterprise customer expectations around timely feature delivery
Key Results
Achieve 1:10 maintainers to developers ratio
All enterprise priority issues are being completed on time
Identify and deliver 3 key improvements to observability and scalability
Increase platform reliability
Key Results
Increase Mean Time between System Failures (MTBF) to 70 days
Decrease Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) to 20 minutes
Reduce number of days since last environment audit to 30 days
Increase test coverage to 70%

How Mooncamp Can Help Your IT Team with OKRs

By using purpose-built OKR software like Mooncamp, you can elevate your IT team’s OKR strategy. Some benefits of dedicated OKR software include:

  • Transparency and alignment through visualization of goals across your IT team or the entire organization
  • Collaborate better, give feedback for OKRs, and praise your co-workers all in one place
  • It’s more fun to use than a Spreadsheet or clunky tools like Confluence, resulting in higher adoption rates among your teams.
  • Regularly nudge your team members to update their OKRs in order to make the method stick
  • Uncover insights in your OKR progress or OKR process with reports and dashboards

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