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March 7, 2022

Goals can now inherit "last updated" timestamp of child goals

Goals & OKRs

Goals which progress is automatically calculated based on its goal children now inherit the “Last updated” timestamp from the goal child that was most recently updated.

Inherited last updated timestamp
February 21, 2022

Fixed: goal cycle end dates

Goals & OKRs

Previously, the time of an end date of a goal cycle (e.g. March 31 as the end of Q1) was set to 00:00:00, i.e. March 31st 00:00:01 was counted as being outside of the cycle Q1, showing Q1 as an inactive cycle (although it was still one day left). This is now fixed.

Furthermore, we adjusted existing goal cycle end dates that worked around this issue, as follows:

  • All goal cycles ending on a 1st of a month, now end on the last day of the previous month at 23:59:59.
  • All goal cycles that do not end on a 1st of a month, keep their date but end at 23:59:59.
February 9, 2022

Planning spaces and goal drafts are now in beta! ๐Ÿš€

Goals & OKRs

Previously, planning your next cycleโ€™s goals could get messy as there was no dedicated space to create goal drafts to discuss with your team before publishing them.

Now, you can simply create a new planning space for your team and create goal drafts for the next cycle. Once you are ready and your goals are polished, publish them for everyone to see.

We recommend reading our help center article for a more in-depth guide on planning spaces. (English & German)

P.S. This feature is currently in beta, so if you have any suggestions on how to improve it, do let us know by dropping us a few lines at [email protected] ๐Ÿ™

Try now

OKR Planning spaces

January 28, 2022

Sort by team and owner

Goals & OKRs

It is now possible to sort your goals by team and all person properties (e.g. “Owner”). You can also combine sorting criteria, e.g. first sorting by team and then by owner.

You can find the sort feature by clicking on the ellipsis (three dots) in the view header next to the “New” button.

Emoji set
January 19, 2022

Extended emoji set ๐ŸŒ


We know there’s something especially therapeutic about selecting the perfect emoji for your goal ๐Ÿ’ซ

Now there are 1200+ new emojis to choose from when adding icons to your goals or using them inline in your comments and check-ins by typing “:”, followed by the name of the emoji.

Emoji set
December 7, 2021

Salesforce integration

Goals & OKRs
Enterprise Plan

Available on all Enterprise plans:

You can now connect your goals to Salesforce reports.

Salesforce OKR integration

December 6, 2021

Team descriptions


You can now add team descriptions on team pages to provide additional information, like team missions or values.

December 1, 2021

Sidebar: New tools navigation


Preparing for the rollout of upcoming features, we improved how you navigate between different features of your tools.

You can now access subpages of modules directly from the sidebar.

New tool navigation
November 25, 2021

Disabling automated status updates on aggregated goals

Goals & OKRs

Per default, the status of goals with progress type “Aggregation” is automatically updated based on the progress of its subitems.

If you want to control the status of these types of goals and set the status manually, you can now choose to disable automated status updates.

Apart from the update window, you can also find the setting to disable or enable automated status updates by clicking on the ellipis in the upper right corner of the goal detail page.

Disable automated status updates
November 23, 2021

Sort data on dashboards

Goals & OKRs

It is now possible to sort the columns on the Goals dashboard. For instance, this can be useful if you want to show employees from a certain team one below the other or order employees based on when they last updated a goal.

Sort data on dashboards
November 10, 2021

Attach comments to goal updates

Goals & OKRs

Previously, you could update multiple goals right from your check-in, but were not able to attach comments to specific goal updates. This prevented users from displaying certain comments on the respective goal detail page when they used the check-in feature to update their goals in bulk. Now, comments are directly attached to specific updates.

November 8, 2021

Default views

Goals & OKRs

If you create your first custom view on any page, the previous view is now saved as “Default view” and can also be found in the view list. This change aims at having one consistent default view across all teams, even if some teams decide to create a custom view for themselves. Of course, default views can still be deleted just like any other views.

Default views
November 3, 2021

Info page

Goals & OKRs
Enterprise Plan

Our enterprise customers now have the possibility to display a customizable info page for all employees when they log in for the first time. You can also choose to display this info page in the help area (the “?” icon in the bottom-right corner). The page is fully formattable and can include files and images.

The most common use case for the info page is to explain to large amounts of users why Mooncamp was implemented, how Mooncamp works, and how it is embedded into existing workflows.

Default views
October 18, 2021

Inline editing for goal titles

Goals & OKRs

To be able to draft goals easier and quicker, it is now possible to inline edit goal titles directly from the Cascade view.

October 5, 2021

Sort goals by 'Last updated'

Goals & OKRs

On views, you can now sort the goals by the property “Last updated”.

Sort goals by last updated property
October 4, 2021

Goal cycle picker improvements

Goals & OKRs

When editing goal cycles on the cascade view or the goal detail page, you can now search for cycles and the picker displays the cycle hierarchy.

Also, when creating or editing goal cycles, you can now choose the highlight color (previously it was randomly assigned).

August 12, 2021

Microsoft Teams Workspace Tab

Goals & OKRs

If you are using Mooncamp within Microsoft Teams, you will find a new “Workspace” tab on the integration page through which you can access your whole Mooncamp account along with all its features.

Microsoft Teams Workspace Tab
August 12, 2021

Confidence level on goals

Goals & OKRs

Besides the traffic light system, you can now choose to display the confidence level or status of goals on a scale from 0 to 10.

OKR confidence level
August 4, 2021

Collapse/expand all goals

Goals & OKRs

On cascade views, you can now collapse all goals or expand the next level of goals.

Collapse or expand all goals
August 2, 2021

New permission: Choosing users and teams on goals

Goals & OKRs

We added a new right: For team and user properties on goals, allow users to choose from all workspace teams and users (not just their teams and teams’ members). This is the default setting. However, if disabled, users will now only be able to select team members and teams that they are a part of. This is especially useful for bigger accounts.

Goal permission

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